Mit zertifizierten XBRL-Lösungen
zur konsis­tenten Bericht­erstellung und XBRL-Meldung

Auf Basis unserer lang­jährigen Erfahrung aus hunderten XBRL-Projekten haben wir unsere zertifizierten Software­lösungen mit Fokus auf die Geschäfts­bericht­erstattung und weiteren XBRL-Meldungen entwickelt. Durch unser Engagement in inter­nationalen Organi­sationen sind unsere XBRL Software­lösungen immer auf dem neuesten Stand, egal ob ESEF, iXBRL oder XHTML.

Mit AMANA zu zeit­sparenden und konsistenten Geschäfts­berichten!


Unsere XBRL Lösungen

Übersicht der Anwendungs­bereiche

  • Bereit­stellung des iXBRL-Taggers für die Anforderungen ESEF, SEC IFRS, HGB, CIPC, SBR und Quellformate Word, InDesign, PDF, XHTML
  • Country-by-Country Reporting Converter
  • Word-zu-eBanz (Bundesanzeiger)-Konverter und zu InDesign-Konverter
  • Word-zu-InDesign-Konverter
  • CRD IV: FINREP & COREP (inkl. Großkredit) Meld­ungen­erstellen und validieren(inkl. Cross-Framework)
  • 100% Valid­ierungs­regeln der Aufsichts­behörden (Bundesbank, FCA, ECB, EBA, etc.) leicht verständlich
  • Liability Data Report (LDR) und MREL per Excel konverti­eren (SRB)
  • MIFID/MIFIR Excel zu Trans­aktions­meldungs­konverter
  • Investment Firms Reporting
  • AnaCredit Excel zu SDMX/XML Konverter
  • Solvency II QRT Reporting
  • Valid­ierungs­regeln der EIOPA und BaFin inkl. Filing Rules
  • Direkter Versand per MVP Portal an die BaFin
  • XBRL Reports
  • Webservice Schnitt­stellen und integrierte BI Daten­banken
  • Custom Validation­Rules
  • Key Perfor­mance Indicators
  • On-Premise Hosting
  • Einfacher-Excel-zu-XBRL-Konverter von Templates
  • Valid­ierungs­regeln der EIOPA und der BaFin
  • Excel-zu-XML-Konverter für Kleinst­melder
  • Sehr geringe Kosten für kleine Institute
  • C#- oder Webservice-API zur Integration in die bestehende Software
  • Alle Spezifika­tionen werden implemen­tiert und offiziell zertifiziert
  • Schnelle Validie­rung von großen XBRL-Instanzen mit Multi-Threading
  • Moderater Arbeits­speicher­verbrauch
  • 64-bit kompatibel

XBRL Webinare

XBRL Table Tagging

In the dynamic world of global finance, eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) has become an essential tool for the business community. XBRL provides a standardized method for tagging tables in financial statements, enhancing clarity, accessibility, and efficiency. Adhering to the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) is not just a compliance requirement but a strategic move that promotes automation in financial reporting, minimizes errors, and allows for effective communication across various platforms.

In this webinar, you will learn:

1. How to use our XBRL Tagger to Tag Tables in Financial Statements into XBRL:

o A comprehensive demonstration of how our innovative solution facilitates the tagging of tables in financial statements into XBRL.

o Insight into our intuitive interface, designed for both novice and experienced users.

2. ]The Basic Tools That Make Tagging Tables Easier:

o ]Introduction to the essential tools within our solution that simplify the process of tagging tables in financial statements.

o Practical examples to highlight how these tools can be employed for swift and precise tagging.

Why Attend This Webinar?
Join our experts as they explore the world of XBRL tagging of tables in financial statements and reveal the capabilities of our specialized solutions. This webinar will provide you with the knowledge, tools, and techniques needed to excel in modern financial reporting.

Learn how to leverage XBRL and utilize our advanced technologies to meet ESEF's stringent demands. Register today to embark on a path toward more robust, compliant, and streamlined financial communication.

XBRL Text Block Tagging

In this webinar, we will explore the intricacies of Text block tagging, both for Word document and for PDF documents. What are the advantages and disadvantages of one source file over the other? How do I create content controls? How do I tag XHTML Table tags in PDF documents? These topics and more will be covered in our webinar. At the end of the session, there will also be time for Q&A and for further clarifications.

Referent: Nomsa Chirwa and Sebastiano Mussi

XBRL Basics

XBRL is the de facto standard for digital, structured, financial reporting. Whether it's ESEF, ESG, FINREP or investment firms, many companies use XBRL in one form or another because they have to. But why do we actually do it? In this talk, let's start from the beginning and explain the basics of XBRL, why this format is used and what the benefits are for everyone involved and where it is headed in the future.

Referent: Nomsa Chirwa and Sebastiano Mussi

How to get ready for auditing the upcoming ESEF season

The ESEF regulation mandates listed companies to publish their annual financial reports in iXBRL digital format. In many EU countries, the ESEF reports also have to be audited or reviewed. The main challenge of auditing iXBRL reports is the technical validation, checking of tags selected by the report creator and the comparison of the traditional format (PDF) with the new iXBRL format. Auditing iXBRL reports requires new knowledge for auditors and can only be done with a proper certified XBRL software.

In the webinar we explain how the XBRL Auditor can be used to face this challenge, and which new features have been implemented in the latest version to make the auditing process a lot easier.

The AMANA XBRL Auditor was developed on the basis of our many years of experience from hundreds of XBRL projects with a clear focus on the review and audit of iXBRL reports according to the ESEF regulation. Moreover, our software is already successfully used by numerous audit firms including Big Four firms. In our webinar, we will show you the features and benefits of the XBRL Auditor when auditing ESEF reports, as well as our experiences from the first years of ESEF.

Referent: Paul Beckmann, Holger Hinzberg

XBRL Tagger 1.10 - The Next Step of Text Block Tagging

Text block tagging was never that easy: With our new features the Tagger is well equipped to go into the second year of text block tagging. Have a first look at our completely overhauled PDF roll forward process and many other new features supporting you in filing your report as smooth as possible:

- Completely overhauled PDF roll forward process
- Report comparer and other features helping with understanding the content of your current and former report
- Layer switching for text blocks and more features helping with text block tagging
- Many new usability features

Referents: Carina Tepper and Paul Beckmann

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